How Nicky Kicks His Cold has been endorsed by many.
»A narrated and animated version of the story on DVD.
»Six beautifully composed songs on music CD.
I would like to thank the many passionate contributors which made this book a success:
Robin Thuman M.S.W., M.Ed: Teacher and advisor (
Neil Shulman M.D.: Book author of Doc Hollywood (
Zoe Haugo M.S.: Health advisor
Katie and Rich Moushegian M.Ed: teachers and advisors
Christine Chukubara, Ph.D.: Guided imagery advisor
Ken Jordan: Book layout
Bill Luebben: book picture of Angelika, editor
Laura Monk: Children’s songs (
John Monk: Narration Grandpa
Hanna McInnes: Narration: Nicky
Steve Gulasy: Sound studio
Bob Szokolay: Book editing
John Elliott: Director and producer animated DVD
Aisha Gillette: Creative director
Chris Gillette: Editor and Wordsmith
Craig Ferriter: Video editor(
Tommy Meek: Webdesign
Bernd Schmidt: Web picture of Angelika
The world best Daddy Hans Domschke!