How Nicky Kicks His Cold has been endorsed by many.
»A narrated and animated version of the story on DVD.
»I would like to thank the many passionate contributors which made this book a success:
Robin Thuman M.S.W., M.Ed: Teacher and advisor (
Neil Shulman M.D.: Book author of Doc Hollywood (
Zoe Haugo M.S.: Health advisor
Katie and Rich Moushegian M.Ed: teachers and advisors
Christine Chukubara, Ph.D.: Guided imagery advisor
Ken Jordan: Book layout
Bill Luebben: book picture of Angelika, editor
Laura Monk: Children’s songs (
John Monk: Narration Grandpa
Hanna McInnes: Narration: Nicky
Steve Gulasy: Sound studio
Bob Szokolay: Book editing
John Elliott: Director and producer animated DVD
Aisha Gillette: Creative director
Chris Gillette: Editor and Wordsmith
Craig Ferriter: Video editor(
Tommy Meek: Webdesign
Bernd Schmidt: Web picture of Angelika
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